Tanjung Layar
Far nearly 150 years ,yhe light houses[there have been 3]on this point have been a vital navigational aid to ship using the Sunda Strait.This is Java's first point of the sailing directin"Java Head"is the 50 mtr high high headland SW of layar.The first light house survived the Eruption of the Krakatau,giving shelter to the villagers of the time hwho fled there as the nearest high land.Beatifull flowering beach trees here.and Banteg grazing at down and dusk along the avenue of plented JUHAR[cassia]trees.The clif of the time continue underwater excellent diving among big fish.From the white store house [for the light house keeper supplies]or,in rough weather.from another landing spot further down the coost,you can return to peucang by boat.Or you can walk along the bay to Cidaon and Signal from there.