Gunung Payung and Sanghiang sirah
After aswimming in acool fesh water at the mouth of cibunar,you can return to peucang island by following this shallow,pleasent river par way,or you can make the much longer round trip via gunung payung,the west beach and light house.The ascent and descent of Gunung payung's well-forested slopes on the trail from cibunar to tanjung sanghiang Sirah yake about 6 hrs.This mean camping overnight near Sanghiang Sirah,nice grass here,a stream,holy caves which also shelter adible nest buildingswiftlet,and dramatic scenery,
The nxt day the trail follows the western coastline of the peninsula>Where the southern Indian Oceanroll in to break in tower of spray the black besalt vulcanic plugs of shore.THe giant Pandanus growing along the beach is the rare Pandanus Badur,no shortage of nice camp site ,or water at the mouth of streams in the shade of big old Nyampung [callophilum] turtle nest in some of the sandy bays.
About an hour south of tanjung layar,at the mouth of Cibunyaga,you can cross the Peninsula through the forest,or you can continue nort past java head [Tanjung Gede] to the light house,allows 6 hrs altogether from sanghiang Sirah or 4 hrs from Peucang Island