Handeuleum Isaland Cigenter river

Handeuleum island [70 km 2hrs]from carita is a small coral island.one of the group islets off the peninsula 's east cost.There is a jetty,a coral path leads through Scaevola scrub to a coconut planted compound and a two storey guest house.Macaques ply in the bushes ,and deer are known to swim over the mainland but do not stay the island because too small.Across the water a litle to the north is the Cigenter Grazing ground and watch tower.Sorrounded by talltrees,it's a an attractive setting for the banteng,frequent the area.
About an hour upstream on the cigenter ,passale only part of the way boat,large and beautifull limestone terraces span the river,forming impressive cascades in the rainy season.The tidal estuaries of this coast,Ideal crocodile habitat,the extensive mangrove forests and the interesting birds of the area can all be seen and explored by boat or seen from 5 km,of trail in this part to the park